Whether you’re searching for housing, understanding lease terms, furnishing your home, or adjusting to your new living environment, this resource offers practical tips and essential reminders to help newcomers settle into their new community with confidence.
Sponsors will find helpful tips on conducting housing searches, engaging with landlords, and ensuring housing readiness. Additionally, the toolkit provides a thorough overview of lease agreements and alternative support options, along with cultural orientation strategies to make the newcomer’s transition smoother.
To gather both qualitative and quantitative data, the survey asked questions that focused on the factors influencing the review of rental applications from prospective tenants and incentives that could help housing providers select refugee / newcomer tenants.
To help address at least one obstacle that refugees and other newcomers face when looking for safe, affordable housing in the U.S., HIAS created a Housing Guarantee Fund in May 2022. The fund succeeds when HIAS affiliate agencies backstop newcomer leases financially by co-signing or otherwise guaranteeing them, so landlords do not hesitate to welcome…