Important Update: RHS is operating at reduced capacity until further notice. Learn more here.

Ukrainian Sponsor Groups

Folks sponsoring Ukrainian newcomers are invited to Church World Service's Private Sponsor Groups - providing partnership and remote support from resettlement staff.

CWS Private Sponsor Groups – Uniting for Ukraine

The Role of Sponsor Groups

Unlike other refugee populations, Ukrainian humanitarian parolees are not eligible for certain resettlement services that local agency offices provide, Instead, private sponsors provide these services, which includes help with finding housing, benefits applications, school enrollment, and making appointments, among other tasks. Private sponsors agree to provide both financial and social/integration support for Ukraine humanitarian parolees as they adjust to life in the United States.

The Role of Church World Service (CWS)

The federal government approves Uniting for Ukraine sponsor applications and runs a background check on applicants, but the government does not provide training or ongoing support for sponsors. To fill this gap, CWS offers to partner with sponsors and provide remote staff support for the first six months after a beneficiary arrives. Sponsors affiliate with CWS are known as CWS Private Sponsor Groups (PSGs). Groups or individuals do not need to partner with CWS to be approved to sponsor Ukrainians, but CWS provides this service to ensure a safer, smoother welcoming process for both groups and newcomers.

CWS offers trainings, onboarding, and ongoing coaching to each PSG. CWS U4U staff will help the PSG to ensure that services are delivered effectively to Ukrainian newcomers and assist with troubleshooting, managing expectations, and navigating sponsor group dynamics.

To learn more about participating in the CWS Private Sponsor Groups, read the attached document.

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