Important Update: RHS is operating at reduced capacity until further notice. Learn more here.

Housing Best Practices Toolkit Project Template

By completing the Housing Best Practices Toolkit template below, innovators can inspire resettlement stakeholders to help address the U.S. housing shortage.

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As the challenges of finding safe, affordable housing for newcomers to the United States have grown during the past few years, so too have the number and variety of housing innovations.

Neighbors, friends, faith groups, towns, cities, and others have come together in inspiring and innovative ways to ideate, plan, fundraise, and create housing for some of the most vulnerable newcomers to the U.S.

Refugee Housing Solutions (RHS) is an initiative within Church World Service that is funded by the U.S. State Department, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM). In compiling and sharing an innovative housing Best Practices Toolkit, the RHS team hopes to reach more individuals and groups interested in supporting refugee housing solutions. The team also hopes to reach those not yet aware of the opportunity to house refugees so that they can join the effort to welcome newcomers.

By completing the Housing Best Practices Toolkit template below, innovators can inspire resettlement stakeholders to help address the U.S. housing shortage.

As more examples of successful housing innovation are shared with RHS, this Toolkit will expand. It will be shared widely so that all refugee housing stakeholder can understand how each refugee housing innovator – like you and your group – moved from inspiration to ideation to implementation and can have a detailed blueprint to replicate or adapt successful ideas. Thank you for being a part of the solutions to newcomer housing challenges.